The government is shut down...
The internet cafes I frequented are shut down...
What's a body to do????
Blog about it all, that's what...
You may not recognize me, which could be a good thing.
I have claimed a new identity and a new (in the works) look.
The blogging break I have been on is over....
I admit it, I let my cafe addiction get in the way of my blogging.
But I'm back.
Under a new blogger identity.
With several months worth of stuff to tell you about...
You can thank Dufus for giving me the final kick to start blogging again.
When Dufus posted on FaceBook that Humor Bloggers is making a comeback, I realized just how much I miss my blogger friends.
Thanks, Dufus.
As you can see - I am just getting started with the design of this new blog.
But that will not stop me from posting what is on my mind...