I have been in a real slump lately...
I wish I could understand why - maybe then I could dig myself out...
Could it be the winter blahs? I know it is not winter yet, but the weather in Ohio has not figured that out. In fact, it is not sure what season it is. A foot of snow one day, fall-like temps the next, spring-like winds the next...where's summer? That is what I need to feel. Of course, I am thankful I am not living in Buffalo. At least if I want to go out into the world, I can.
Could it be the uncertainty at work? Promise of a new position opening up one day, everything frozen the next, total reorganization the next, threat of layoff hanging over my head now...I know I should be looking elsewhere just in case, but I do hate the thoughts of trying to sell my self again. It was a tough battle the last four times.
I have been trying to force myself to be active. Though with the snow, I cannot seem to make myself go to the gym. The thought of going inside to a warm place and having to come back out into the snow is not appealing and excuse enough to avoid the place. Having my (stationary) bike back at my apartment helps me foster that excuse. But as my youngest reminds me - it is not the same as getting to the gym.
I know I have a lot to be thankful for. I am not looking for pity. I am just hoping that whining about the slump I am in will help me move through it faster.