Friday, November 1, 2013

Will you Marry Me?

Handing out candy on Beggar's Night was fun with my oldest son, Larry,  and his girlfriend, Margo.

The highlight of the evening came when a young Prince Charming asked Margo to marry him.  

Not once, but twice; this charmer was not giving up.

The first time he showed up, Margo answered the door and he sweetly asked her for her hand in marriage.  

A few minutes later, when I took my turn answering the door, the young prince was on bended knee, not expecting the old lady to answer.  He says: Where is she? I am going to marry her.

Margo, you have a suitor. Larry, you better step up your game, the competition is charming.

Walking update: I did not yesterday:( I did not get up in time to walk before work; I intended to walk after I got home from my son's, but those couple of glasses of wine took their toll.

Candy Crush  Update: Completed Level 329.  What will I do with my Candy Crush time if I finish the game???

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Boo to You....

Happy Halloween for those who celebrate.

It is a busy day, so I am going to make this post short, like me:)

I hope the rain stops.  I am planning on heading to my son's to pass out candy to the kids in his neighborhood.

Funny Halloween Ecard: I want to give candy to your children.

For the record, I have nothing against Jehovah's Witnesses - to each their own.
But I do feel the need to share this thought (because I love Halloween so much and do not understand why anyone would keep their kids from celebrating).

Funny Halloween Ecard: Jehovah's witnesses don't celebrate Halloween... I guess they don't appreciate random people coming up to their doors.

Thank you someecards.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This walking business is kicking my butt...

I did not realize how out of shape I am until I started walking again.

My average time is still over 60 minutes for a 5k distance...


And my legs and hips are feeling every step of it...

But I am keeping with  it.

I got up early this morning and walked an hour before getting ready for work.

Not early enough apparently.

By the time I left for work, a little later than normal, traffic was so backed up that it took me twice as long to make it to the office...

So I will be working a little later, which should be ok since there are no cafes to visit (damn DeWine and co).

I did walk pretty much the same route I took yesterday in hopes of finding my keys - no such luck.

I guess I need to let my fingers do the walking for a bit and look up local Honda dealers to see where I can get the best deal on a couple of new keys.

Stay tuned.

Candy Crush update: I am now stuck on level 325 with a chance to pass one of the 6 friends who are ahead of me:)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Maybe walking is not such a good idea...

I worked from my home office (aka dining room table) today. 

I try to do work from home at least once a week.  I actually get so much more done when I work from home - laundry, vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms (yeah, I have two just, for me). And I can yell out my frustrations without getting written up for it...unless, of course, I am teleconferencing and forget to mute before I start yelling.

Today, I decided to take a lunch break walk.  

It was nice out - too nice for the long sleeve shirt/jacket combo I was wearing.

So, I took off the jacket and tied it around my waist.

Some time during that switch - or before or after, but sometime after I walked out my door and locked it - I dropped my keys.

And of course I did not realize that I dropped my keys until I had walked 3 miles and was back at my door.

I walked another 3/4 mile looking for my keys.

I did not find them.

But once again, apartment living shines through - somewhat.

The groundskeeper let me into my apartment and maintenance immediately changed the locks on my door.

I am still short a car key.

An expensive car key; not a key to an expensive car, just an expensive key.

It will be even more expensive if some lowlifes find my keys and realize that I probably  live nearby and decide to beep themselves into my car....

But I should not worry.

This is a decent neighborhood.

At least now that the neighborhood Craig's list killer is behind bars...

Monday, October 28, 2013

Further planning to get out of my funk....

Having had such a productive weekend, I am planning future weekends accordingly...

  1. Mosey out of bed no later than 9:00 AM - unless I am more than half done with the book I am reading - then just finish it...
  2. Spend  2 hours or less taking care of chores...
    After two hours, just stop and go to Step 3...there is always tomorrow...
  3. Spend 1 hour or more walking, biking, or dancing around the house to MeatLoaf or the Boss or Bob Seger....
  4. Spend a good 2 hours working on home/side projects.
  5. Spend  at least 2  hours blogging/facebooking...
  6. Have have some fun with friends and famly...
  7. Kick some Candy Crush butt.
Take that, funky mood!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Productivity at its' finest....

It was a good weekend....

Let me count the ways...

  1. I installed a flashlight app on my phone  - and it works. I did not realize that I could use my phone as a flashlight; but now that I do and I can, I have lightened my key chain by removing the freebie AAA flashlight.  Not that it was so heavy or Mag light cumbersome, but those key chain doodads do add up.
  2. I installed some of my favorite music and a music player on my phone - and it works. I am not going to lie here, as much as I like to think I am technically adept, I do scare myself at times. I have all of my classic rock greatest hits CDs copied to my hard drive and I do not want to be bothered converting them to MP3s; so I was looking for a player that plays wma files.  I found one and installed it...but when I tried to play my music, I kept getting a  NO MEDIA AVAILABLE error. Well, after a few frustrating hours, I realized it helps to select "Audio" if you want to play music files. 
  3. I decided I need to lose a few pounds, so I got my hair cut.  Unfortunately hair does not weight a much as I had hoped.  But it was worth a shot.
  4. I did a little work for my son's business - something he asked me to do last week, but I just could not get out of my funky mood; I have a tough time being creative when I am in a funk. (This week I hope to work on something for my daughter's business - keep that funk away!)
  5. I did the usual  - laundry, picked up a bit, watched the Browns lose....
  6. I installed a pedometer app on my phone; it counts time, miles, steps, and a few other things I do not really care about....
  7. I tested the music app and the pedometer app yesterday and today.  The music app worked fine. I think the pedometer app is working; according to it I walked 3.74 miles  yesterday and 2.76 miles today.  I am not sure how accurate that is, because when I am walking with Meat Loaf and Bruce and Bob Seger it's like walking on air...
  8. Most importantly, I decided to walk - not run - my first 5K in December; which is what prompted me to do most of the above.  I am really out of shape, so if I am gong to complete a 5K without embarrassing myself by taking 3 hours to cross the finish line, I need to train a little (ok, a lot); so I am tracking my daily time and distance with the pedometer while listening to my favorite music while sporting a shorter hair style that will not be such a pain to deal with; and hopefully I will lose a few pounds,,win :)

PS...I also completed level 311 in Candy Crush and am now stuck on level 318...