Saturday, December 6, 2014

Pet Peeve for the day...

One of my pet peeves reared its ugly head today.

Track abuse.

Why do people stand on the walking/jogging track at the gym?

Actually, I do know why they do that:

  • To talk to someone using a machine that is not on the track
  • To talk to someone else who has stopped on the track
  • To watch their friends playing basketball on the court below
  • To have a loud conversation with their friends in the workout area below
Yeah, no justifiable reason there - at least not IMHO.
I do understand when an  the elderly person needs to stop and stand for a few minutes to catch their breath.  I sympathize, and even empathize, with them. I am tempted to do that myself, at times.

Why do people walk/jog in the wrong direction in the middle of the track?

Actually, I do know why they do that, too:
  • To get to a machine along the outside of the track that is a few steps closer to them if they go opposite traffic
  • To meet up with a friend who is a half lap behind them
It amazes me -  and not in a good way.

This morning I had to stop on the track because there was this big guy running toward me, zig-zagging his way against traffic, to meet up with someone a bit behind me.  I thought he was going to run right into me. He was wearing a big smile that I just wanted to slap right off his face.

Don't mess with me when I am making laps on the track to try to burn off some pent up frustrations.

Ok, I feel a little better now that I got that off my chest.  Thanks for listening.

Friday, December 5, 2014

I think I can handle it...

There are only 9 working days left for me this year.

Unless I count the time I work this weekend and next. ..which I won't since I can do that from the comfort of my couch.

I am getting excited.

I just have to stay focused and get a few specific things done...

Unfortunately, one of those things is documenting all of my accomplishments over this past year and, in so doing, convince my boss and his boss that I am an awesome employee ....

I know I am awesome - I just do not like to have to prove it...

But I will do my best...

I can handle it...

Only 9 more days.

And unlike last year, when I worked every day except DEC 25 (even though I was supposedly on holiday/vacation) because there were deadlines and commitments....

I will be unavailable this year....

Out of the country...


Unavailable by phone or email....

On a beach...

Or in a pool...

At the swim-up bar...

Not available...

Only 9 more days....

I can make it!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Here's to the ones...

I am getting old...well, older:)

And I am single...have been for a long while.

Most times I am ok with that.

But sometimes not ....

During those not times, I have tried to put myself out there and meet the man of my dreams.

And quite honestly, that has not worked out so well....

I have stories...

But, bottom line, I am the worst at dating and relationships...I admit it.

I have both screwed up and allowed myself to be hurt so many times that right now I am afraid to let anyone get close - especially anyone I want to keep as a friend....

I am in a rut...

When I meet someone I like more than a little, I tend to want to jump right in because it has been awhile and I could use some good lovin....

But, then I get skittish and start to back away because I do not want to lose a friend...

And then I lose a friend because I back away...

Ahhhh, the circle of love - or lust - or whatever....

I have not always backed away, though; oh no I have not...

And, unfortunately, those are the times I should have known better...

Yeah, I have stories...

Stories that keep me still backing away more than I probably should.

I have learned that lust is blind...

Until it goes to shit and your eyes are opened....ugh.

Yeah, that has happened.

At least twice.

What was I thinking???

But for at least one of the times that I have backed away - I wish I could cop a do-over...


What was I thinking????

Hopefully, someday, my prince will come....

Or come again...or back, or whatever...

Or not...

But in the meantime, I found this article that kind of explains myself to myself  -  and helps me feel a little better about myself...

It is by Ella Ceron and posted in Thought Catalog....
Here’s To The Ones Who Want To Take Things Slow

And here's to the ones who want to dive right in and just see where things end up...

 And here's to you, however you make your way!