Saturday, October 26, 2013

Here's the plan....

I am serious about getting out of this funk...

Here's a plan I am going to try to follow...

Workday Evenings:

  1. Fight traffic on the drive home for 1 hour or less...
    After 1 hour,  go right to step 2...
  2. Spend 1 hour or more walking, biking, or jogging....
    Ok, maybe skip the jogging, too much jiggling going on there
  3. Have some fun with friends or the kids....(optional, depending on everyone's schedules)
    If there is no fun to be had, go to Step 4.
  4. Spend  a good  hour working on one of the side projects that I have taken upon myself (optional, depending on if I actually have something that I am supposed to be working on)
    If there is no unfinished business, go to Step 5.
  5. If the night is still young, spend 1 hour or less blogging/facbebooking...
    Yeah, facebooking; it's like blogging, only a lil more random....
    After 1 hour, make myself stop...there is more to life than Facebook.
    Go to Step 6.
  6. Play Candy Crush until I run out of lives on my computer and mobile device......
    Play TriPeaks while waiting for more lives.
    When the battery on the phone/computer dies, go to Step 7.
  7. Go to bed with a book/ebook and read til I fall asleep - which may cut into my sleep time immensely, but then sleep is overrated....

That's enough planning for now...

It is time to get this day started....

Notice it is a weekend day and my plan does not yet include weekend days....

Maybe weekends should just be freestyle:)

Friday, October 25, 2013

It's been a funky kind of week....

I need to get myself out of the funky mood I have been in.

I am really missing cafeing....

Before I started cafeing, I would come home after work, play solitaire on the computer, read, blog....

Pretty much lived the life of a hermit...

Okay, that is a bit of an exaggeration.

I did and do stuff with the kids...

And I do have friends that I visit with...

But that happens on the weekends or once or twice a week at most.

I am okay spending time alone.

The problem is I seem to spend that time alone on the couch with a book or a kindle or a laptop.

Before the internet cafes closed (thank you Damn DeWine and co) , I would spend most evenings and weekends (when I did not have other plans) hopping from Internet Cafe to Internet Cafe...

I made quite a few friends and a little bit of money.  

With breakfast, lunch, and dinner included -  if I timed it right.

Yes, before I started cafeing a couple of years ago, I was seriously considering looking for a second job...

But then I discovered cafeing and realized that if I played smart, I could have fun,  make a little money, and cut way back on my grocery bill.

I have seemed to revert to my old ways...

Sitting on the couch with my laptop and kindle....

Playing games....Solitaire and Candy  Crush Saga...

I have to quit this...

It is not healthy for me - physically or mentally.

So I am making  a plan...

To get out of the funk...

More to follow...

As soon as I crush level 311....

Any tips, fellow bloggers?

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Shout out....

I am a poor lowly blogger....

I blog for fun and as a safe outlet for all the things that stress me out in my day to day life...

So when I go surfing for photos or clipart to use on my template or posts, I naturally look for the free stuff...

This morning I found a great site....

Check out freerange...

Where registration is free....

And so are the downloads.

Apparently the contributing photographers share in the profits from ads....

I am going to send my photographer daughter there.

Have I told you I have an awesome photographer daughter????

Well, I do.

You can check her out on Facebook and on the web at Open N Shut.