It started Sunday evening....stuffy nose, headache, earache, feeling all around blah.
Got worse Monday...but I was still functioning.
Tuesday, I had to call in sick, maybe because instead of resting, I worked most of my PTO day Monday. So much to do, so little time. At least that is what project management is telling us.
I did not actually take all of Tuesday off, either; I slept most of the morning then worked about 6 hrs. After work, I turned into a couch potato. I read a little. I surfed a little. Thankfully, I came across this video (laughter being the best medicine and all):
Wednesday, I made it into the office. And I made it home. That was about it. I did not walk. But I did read. In fact, I have read quite a bit this week. I have read two hard copy books, two kindle books, and two downloaded PDFs. I am appreciative of and thankful for the the two public library systems that I use the most.
Thursday I made it into the office and did pretty good in the morning. But the day took its toll. By 2:30 I was ready to head home. I made myself a concoction of my favorite tea and honey and cinnamon. Have I told you how thankful I am for the medicinal benefits of rum? Yeah, I added a bit of that to the tea.
Unfortunately, I do not think I added enough rum. When I woke up this morning, I knew I was not going to make it into the office. My ear hurt something terrible. So back to bed for me. I finally got it together about noon and worked a few hours. My earache keeps coming back. When it gets unbearable, I put a few drops of warm witch hazel in it which seems to help for a while. A few minutes ago I shut the work computer down and am now vegging on the couch, surfing - medicinally.
Tonight, I want to thank Sweden for this gem:).