Monday, November 18, 2013

This post may get me in trouble...

There are a lot of people posting on Facebook about not shopping on Thanksgiving because if there are shoppers there are workers who cannot be with their familiy...

I am not one of them...

Granted, I probably will not shop on Thanksgiving...

Not because I do not believe in family...

I will be  busy running around, cooking, picking up parents, etc....

And after the festivities, I will be too exhausted to do much, except maybe to go see a movie...


OK, so here is what I believe.

I believe some people do not mind working on Thanksgiving.  They may not have family in the area or any family or any family that they are thankful for or care to celebrate with.

I believe some  people may need the money more than they need to be with their family...and are actually thankful to be able to work on Thanksgiving or Hanukkah or whatever holiday their family is celebrating.

Some may not need the money, but may want the money if they are saving for that fantasy vacation (family or not).  

I believe, for some, shopping can take the lonelies (new word) away...

I remember working at a theater when I  was in college.  I worked most  holidays and I actually enjoyed it. Sometimes holiday family stress can get to you. Having the work excuse was pretty welcome at times. 

And the most important reason I will not promise to not shop on Thanksgiving...

When I realize that I forgot that critical ingredient (or spill it all over the floor) I will be so thankful that there are stores open with employees willing to ring me up...

I am sorry if you are working on Thanksgiving and do not want to be...

But thank you for being there for me and whoever else may need you.

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