Monday, October 28, 2013

Further planning to get out of my funk....

Having had such a productive weekend, I am planning future weekends accordingly...

  1. Mosey out of bed no later than 9:00 AM - unless I am more than half done with the book I am reading - then just finish it...
  2. Spend  2 hours or less taking care of chores...
    After two hours, just stop and go to Step 3...there is always tomorrow...
  3. Spend 1 hour or more walking, biking, or dancing around the house to MeatLoaf or the Boss or Bob Seger....
  4. Spend a good 2 hours working on home/side projects.
  5. Spend  at least 2  hours blogging/facebooking...
  6. Have have some fun with friends and famly...
  7. Kick some Candy Crush butt.
Take that, funky mood!