Sunday, October 27, 2013

Productivity at its' finest....

It was a good weekend....

Let me count the ways...

  1. I installed a flashlight app on my phone  - and it works. I did not realize that I could use my phone as a flashlight; but now that I do and I can, I have lightened my key chain by removing the freebie AAA flashlight.  Not that it was so heavy or Mag light cumbersome, but those key chain doodads do add up.
  2. I installed some of my favorite music and a music player on my phone - and it works. I am not going to lie here, as much as I like to think I am technically adept, I do scare myself at times. I have all of my classic rock greatest hits CDs copied to my hard drive and I do not want to be bothered converting them to MP3s; so I was looking for a player that plays wma files.  I found one and installed it...but when I tried to play my music, I kept getting a  NO MEDIA AVAILABLE error. Well, after a few frustrating hours, I realized it helps to select "Audio" if you want to play music files. 
  3. I decided I need to lose a few pounds, so I got my hair cut.  Unfortunately hair does not weight a much as I had hoped.  But it was worth a shot.
  4. I did a little work for my son's business - something he asked me to do last week, but I just could not get out of my funky mood; I have a tough time being creative when I am in a funk. (This week I hope to work on something for my daughter's business - keep that funk away!)
  5. I did the usual  - laundry, picked up a bit, watched the Browns lose....
  6. I installed a pedometer app on my phone; it counts time, miles, steps, and a few other things I do not really care about....
  7. I tested the music app and the pedometer app yesterday and today.  The music app worked fine. I think the pedometer app is working; according to it I walked 3.74 miles  yesterday and 2.76 miles today.  I am not sure how accurate that is, because when I am walking with Meat Loaf and Bruce and Bob Seger it's like walking on air...
  8. Most importantly, I decided to walk - not run - my first 5K in December; which is what prompted me to do most of the above.  I am really out of shape, so if I am gong to complete a 5K without embarrassing myself by taking 3 hours to cross the finish line, I need to train a little (ok, a lot); so I am tracking my daily time and distance with the pedometer while listening to my favorite music while sporting a shorter hair style that will not be such a pain to deal with; and hopefully I will lose a few pounds,,win :)

PS...I also completed level 311 in Candy Crush and am now stuck on level 318...

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