Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Will Oregon have me ???

I have told my kids numerous times that if I ever get too sick to take care of myself, I want to be able to die peacefully with some dignity.

I do not want them to have to take care of my sick, bed-ridden self - if it ever comes to that.

I want them to remember me the way they like me best - hopefully that is not on my death bed...lol.

I am not going to lie - I am a fan of  the late Jack Kevorkian.

I just realized, thanks to Brittany Maynard, that at least three states, including Oregon,  have  "Death With Dignity" laws.  

I want to be living in one of those three states,  if i ever become terminally ill. I choose Oregon because it is west and probably the warmest of the three. But I am open to any state with a DWD law.

Just so you know.

I like Brittany's attitude that dying with dignity is not suicide. She is not killing herself - the disease is.  She is just choosing the way and time she lets that happen. I hope I have the strength to do the same if my life ever comes to that.

I have also read the essay written by Joe Neyer in response to Brittany's choice and her actions toward public awareness of the DWD option.  I like Mr. Neyer's  attitude that dying with dignity can include continuing to live a quality life.  How true.  Doctors are not always right, and there are lots of options. 

I wish them both the best as they continue their journey.  I appreciate that they have shared their story.


  1. I agree Mary! Watching someone die is not something that I would wish on anyone- especially my family. I know that my grandpa would have chosen a more dignified death that was on his own terms because that's how he lived life- and that should be his right. But oh well, for now at least there's Oregon :)

    1. Thanks for sharing, Margo. RIP Brittany. I hope her efforts to encourage more states to to pass DWD laws are fruitful.
