I had a great two weeks away from the office over the Christmas holiday - my electronics not so much.
First, I managed to lose my MISFIT Shine Activity Tracker. I searched high and low for a few days before I decided it was really gone.
I even prayed to St. Anthony - out loud, at the office - because 3 of my (more) religious (than me) coworkers promised he would help me find it. I was assured that (after I prayed) I should just go about my business and my lost Shine would show up.
I went about my business - for three days. No Shine.
Maybe you have to believe.
I told my youngest that I was depressed, not being able to count my steps without my Shine. H thought I should pray to St. Anthony. Just kidding; I am not sure he has even heard of that gobble-de-gook. And he is more religious than me. But he did get me a MISFIT Flash for Christmas. Just like a Shine - only cheaper.
I like the MISFIT trackers because they are waterproof and they track my steps when I am water walking. Or they should. Three days into my Belizean vacation the damn thing stopped working. I opened it up. Apparently it is not as waterproof as advertised. I dried it out and replaced the battery...nothing. I made sure I brought it home because I remembered Gary had said he bought some kind of protection plan.
Three days after I got home I had no clue what I had done with it. I went through everything I thought I unpacked. I finally found it in the last place I looked - yeah, I stopped looking after I found it.
And the I noticed that it was flashing me...really. I tried a sync...and it worked. Take that St. Anthony.
The Tracker was not the only thing to stop working in Belize. My Kindle decided to quit charging. I tried every cord I had with me; tried cleaning off the USB connection; tried a computer charge - nothing.
Once I got home, I tried all the reset tricks I google found for me - several times; nothing.
Unlike the Flash, Kindle is still not working. It looks like this...
I do have a Kindle Fire, but the Kindle allowed me to read by the pool. Needles to say, I did not get a lot of reading by the pool done in Belize.
I will replace the Kindle before summer, because I like to read - by the pool, in the bright sunlight, anywhere. I will most likely replace it with a Kindle Paperwhite. That way if my Kindle Fire decides to die (it is 2 years older than my Kindle), I can read daylight or nighttime. I will be ready next time I have an electronic fail!
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