Sunday, December 14, 2014

Do they stay or do they go?

To de-grey or not to de-grey...

That is the question for the day...

As I mentioned a few times in previous posts, I am getting old-er.

Not that you needed me to tell you that.

But for some, like myself, with age comes grey hair.

Apparently lots of grey hair.

For a few years I was pretty good about washing it away - or at least covering it up.  I am not sure why I felt the need to do that, but I did.

And then, about a year ago, I decided to quit worrying about trying to wash it away - right about the time it started taking more than one bottle of medium brown color to bring back that medium brown look.

I earned those grey hairs, right?

And they do not look too bad, right?

And then I see a pic of myself someone posted on FB and I think - "those grey hairs are getting way out of control"...

Do they stay or do the go?

PROs of keeping those natural grey hairs:
  • Not having to bother washing them away every 6 weeks or less.....
    I realize a professional color job may last longer, but that also requires I actually make and keep an appointment at a salon every few weeks. My life is not ordered enough to make appointments for much of anything - health care, car maintenance, or beauty maintenance. When I cannot take the pain anymore, I visit the ER. When I need work done on my car, I bring it to a place that does not require appointments (shout out to Hamad Tire because a good mechanic is hard to find).  When I feel the need for a haircut/mani/pedi, or brow job,  I support the walk-in places, because if I had to make an appointment to sit in a chair and let someone mess with my hair or face, it would never happen.
  • I look my age and do not need to worry about being carded when I am in a hurry at the checkout with that half-gallon bottle of bourbon I need for baking.
  • Airport security/customs realizes I am too old to be any kind of threat and lets me through without too much hassle and leaves my checked luggage in tact, not wanting to paw through any old lady underwear... 
CONs of keeping those natural grey hairs:
  • I look my age - which may not be such a bad thing in itself except for those times I feel like playing cougar or when I am competing with younger, more lively candidates for a job at the office.
  • There is no chance of a feel good "we need to see your ID" when I am out on the town.
  • Any action taken against them is only temporary.  They keep coming back. 

If I am going to do it, today is the day because supposedly you should not wash your hair a couple of days before - and the weekends are the only time I can get away with that.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It must be so....

Because Pope Francis said so...

All dogs go to heaven.

For those pet-lovers who believe in heaven and and believe they will get there and believe that Pope Francis has the final word, this is awesome  news.

For some of us pet-lovers, who may or may not believe in heaven, and who may or may not believe that because the Pope Francis says it's so makes it so, we already knew this...

My grandpuppies have heart and soul....

When they die, I believe whatever happens to us humans, happens to them...

No matter what the pope thinks or says...

But of course, I do not need the pope to declare that anything is so for me to believe it is so...

That is just the way I roll....

As my reformed catholic, I believe whatever the hell I want, self...

Besides, I heard about all dogs going to heaven from Burt Reynolds way back in 1989 ....

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Pet Peeve for the day...

One of my pet peeves reared its ugly head today.

Track abuse.

Why do people stand on the walking/jogging track at the gym?

Actually, I do know why they do that:

  • To talk to someone using a machine that is not on the track
  • To talk to someone else who has stopped on the track
  • To watch their friends playing basketball on the court below
  • To have a loud conversation with their friends in the workout area below
Yeah, no justifiable reason there - at least not IMHO.
I do understand when an  the elderly person needs to stop and stand for a few minutes to catch their breath.  I sympathize, and even empathize, with them. I am tempted to do that myself, at times.

Why do people walk/jog in the wrong direction in the middle of the track?

Actually, I do know why they do that, too:
  • To get to a machine along the outside of the track that is a few steps closer to them if they go opposite traffic
  • To meet up with a friend who is a half lap behind them
It amazes me -  and not in a good way.

This morning I had to stop on the track because there was this big guy running toward me, zig-zagging his way against traffic, to meet up with someone a bit behind me.  I thought he was going to run right into me. He was wearing a big smile that I just wanted to slap right off his face.

Don't mess with me when I am making laps on the track to try to burn off some pent up frustrations.

Ok, I feel a little better now that I got that off my chest.  Thanks for listening.

Friday, December 5, 2014

I think I can handle it...

There are only 9 working days left for me this year.

Unless I count the time I work this weekend and next. ..which I won't since I can do that from the comfort of my couch.

I am getting excited.

I just have to stay focused and get a few specific things done...

Unfortunately, one of those things is documenting all of my accomplishments over this past year and, in so doing, convince my boss and his boss that I am an awesome employee ....

I know I am awesome - I just do not like to have to prove it...

But I will do my best...

I can handle it...

Only 9 more days.

And unlike last year, when I worked every day except DEC 25 (even though I was supposedly on holiday/vacation) because there were deadlines and commitments....

I will be unavailable this year....

Out of the country...


Unavailable by phone or email....

On a beach...

Or in a pool...

At the swim-up bar...

Not available...

Only 9 more days....

I can make it!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Here's to the ones...

I am getting old...well, older:)

And I am single...have been for a long while.

Most times I am ok with that.

But sometimes not ....

During those not times, I have tried to put myself out there and meet the man of my dreams.

And quite honestly, that has not worked out so well....

I have stories...

But, bottom line, I am the worst at dating and relationships...I admit it.

I have both screwed up and allowed myself to be hurt so many times that right now I am afraid to let anyone get close - especially anyone I want to keep as a friend....

I am in a rut...

When I meet someone I like more than a little, I tend to want to jump right in because it has been awhile and I could use some good lovin....

But, then I get skittish and start to back away because I do not want to lose a friend...

And then I lose a friend because I back away...

Ahhhh, the circle of love - or lust - or whatever....

I have not always backed away, though; oh no I have not...

And, unfortunately, those are the times I should have known better...

Yeah, I have stories...

Stories that keep me still backing away more than I probably should.

I have learned that lust is blind...

Until it goes to shit and your eyes are opened....ugh.

Yeah, that has happened.

At least twice.

What was I thinking???

But for at least one of the times that I have backed away - I wish I could cop a do-over...


What was I thinking????

Hopefully, someday, my prince will come....

Or come again...or back, or whatever...

Or not...

But in the meantime, I found this article that kind of explains myself to myself  -  and helps me feel a little better about myself...

It is by Ella Ceron and posted in Thought Catalog....
Here’s To The Ones Who Want To Take Things Slow

And here's to the ones who want to dive right in and just see where things end up...

 And here's to you, however you make your way!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Slumpity, slump, slump...

I have been in a real slump lately...

I wish I could understand why - maybe then I could dig myself out...

Could it be the winter blahs?  I know it is not winter yet, but the weather in Ohio has not figured that out.  In fact, it is not sure what season it is.  A foot of snow one day, fall-like temps the  next, spring-like winds the next...where's summer? That is what I need to feel.  Of course, I am thankful I am not living in Buffalo.  At least if I want to go out into the world, I can.

Could it be the uncertainty at work?  Promise of a new position opening up one day, everything frozen the next, total reorganization the next, threat of layoff hanging over my head now...I know I should be looking elsewhere just in case, but I do hate the thoughts of trying to sell my self again. It was a tough battle the last four times.

I have been trying to force myself to be active.  Though with the snow, I cannot seem to make myself go to the gym.  The thought of going inside to a warm place and having to come back out into the snow is not appealing and excuse enough to avoid the place.  Having my (stationary) bike back at my apartment helps me foster that excuse. But as my youngest reminds me - it is not the same as getting to the gym.

I know I have a lot to be thankful for.  I am not looking for pity.  I am just hoping that whining about the slump I am in will help me move through it faster.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Almost goofed....

I was gonna shave today....

And then I remembered...

It is No-shave November!

Lucky me:)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Happy Birthday, Marie Curie - an inspiration to women physicists everywhere!

I realize that I am a day late with the wishes, but nonetheless, Marie Curie rocks.
She did what I could not.  She survived and thrived as a professional physicist.

Here's my story about that....

At age 21 and graduating from a local Jesuit University with a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Physics and a minor in Electronics, I began the search for an Engineering position that would make my Dad proud.

The first position I was offered and accepted taught me a few things.  

  • Never accept an offer unless you are sure it is a good offer for you. 
  • Of course, an acceptable  offer to you may not be acceptable to another.
  • Just because you studied your ass off for four years does not mean you will like the job that that four years will get you.
A few months into this first position, I stumbled upon the original job posting that listed the low end of the salary range well above the salary I was offered and accepted. I still feel that that offer was a good offer for me at the time, because I was just out of school, insecure, not so confident, and worried that NO offers would be presented.  

Physics is a man’s  kingdom, or so the men I worked with at this first position had me believing.  Luckily for them and me, I enjoyed the meager (to them) tasks they assigned to me.  I enjoyed talking with customers about product choices and options and order status rather than why the product they bought does not seem to work they way they think it should. As I was being mentored for these latter, loftier tasks,  I listened to coworkers explain to customers how inept they were for not realizing how our products should be used.  I quickly realized that this was not the job for me.

Fortunately, after a couple of years of suffering through that position,  an opportunity opened up in the marketing communications department.  My technical background combined with my love of writing  and interest in desktop publishing (which I had kept secret until this time) made me the perfect candidate.  I dove in and rearranged the company’s product catalogs and buyer selection guides, bringing them to new heights of user-friendliness.

Unfortunately, that was a one-time gig; once the new layout was in place, maintenance was not in the budget.  Or at least that was the excuse given for the reduction in work force that hit me upon my return from my first maternity leave. 

I was faced with a dilemma.  I had a degree I was not sure I want to use coupled with a need to find employment.  My husband and I had recently purchased a house counting on a double income. It was 1984.  Modern technology was limited.  Thankfully, my now ex-husband was/is a computer nerd/genius.  I taught myself word processing on an Apple IE.  I applied for technical writing positions over a three county area. When asked if  knew WordPerfect and WordStar, I nodded and batted eyelashes.  That was taken as a yes.  Thankfully they did not test.  I learned everything I needed to know within the first few weeks and confirmed to myself that I was computer literate. 

And the rest is history, sort of...

I no longer write for a living, but I used the skills I learned in that profession to move into localization coordination and then document control.  

I have come a long way, baby - and hoping to go further.

I intend to apply for a newly-created Change Coordinator  position in my current place of employment - if it ever gets approved and posted.

Wish me luck!

What is your career story?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Checking on my 2014 resolutions...

I tend to make resolutions each New Year that I do not intend to keep or follow up on.

This year I made a promise to myself that I would do better.

And quite honestly, I believe I have - at least for the most part.

On December 31st 2013, I posted these resolutions for 2014:

  1. Let go of faltering friendships. 
  2. Cherish my good friends.
  3. Attempt to stay socially active.
  4. Continue to make my apartment more homey.
  5. Walk in at least two organized 5K events this year. 
  6. Take a vacation to somewhere warm. 
It is now November 2014.  How am I doing?

  1. I have been better at letting go of faltering friendships, though at times I do feel a little guilty for not making the effort to get back in touch...
  2. Cherishing good friends is a two way street.  And I must say, the few good friends I resolved to cherish make that so easy.  We do keep in touch and check in with each other and make time to visit and share our life's ups and downs.  My best friend Sandy and I get together almost every month for dinner or gaming or just visiting.
  3. Attempting to stay socially active has been more of a struggle.  I stopped visiting the Rocksino unless it is a planned visit with a friend. The ROI is just not enough.  I did opt to join a gym and have been chatting with some of the regulars while there. The first two months I went almost every night.  I have slacked off a bit, but still making 2-3 visits a week.
  4. I have done quite a few things to my apartment.  The kitchen, dining room, guest bathroom, and living room all have new wall art.  I created a magnet canvas to cover my fuse box.  I do have a few more things in mind, including a wind chime, but I am just not as creative as I would like to think I am.  I did get lucky when my son decided to move to Belize.  I acquired two living room lamps, a bedroom set (which he thinks he is getting back on his return), some kitchen items, an exercise bike (which I gave to him last time I moved), some comforters, more wall art,etc...  So if all that counts, I have kept this resolution.
  5. I did walk in two organized 5K events this year, one on Mother's Day and one at the Natatorium in September.   And, since July 1st,  I have been setting and achieving monthly activity (step) goals.
  6. I did take a vacation to Myrtle Beach in September and I have booked a flight to Belize in December.  Check and double check!
Not bad, if I do say so myself.

And, I have actually added a resolution.  I am working to get my 5k walk time down.  On September 14, my official 5k time was clocked at 51:16.  My goal is to get that time (unofficially, 25 1/8 mile laps at the Nat) down to 45:00 by Christmas.  I hit 47:30 earlier  this week.  I am on my way.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Check out this adult content...

I sometimes like to visit my blog during my lunch hour at work.

Sometimes during that visit I write...

Sometimes I post...

Sometimes I visit the other blogs that I follow...

It is a nice break from work.

Or, more accurately, it WAS a nice break.

When I tried to visit my blog this week, I was warned that the site I was trying to visit was restricted because of its' adult content.

Ok, then.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

A long productive weekend...

I took Friday off just because I have some vacation days to use or lose  before the end of the year.

I took advantage of the long weekend and got a few things accomplished...

  • I started by sleeping in Friday and then taking a couple of extra long walks to make sure I met my October goal  to average 12100 steps a day....nothing like procrastination.  But I did it. And I set a goal for November of 12150 step a day.  I do not want to push it too much and leave room for failure.  
  • I also made some (aromatherapy) bath salts.  I had been wanting to try my hand at this for awhile and it was actually pretty simple.  I made grapefruit and chamomile. 
  • I slept in again Saturday.
  • I made a  good size dent in reorganizing my bedroom and cleaning up the spare room. I had acquired some stuff from my son and am storing some other stuff for him.  I just kind of threw everything in the spare room and finally started going through it all this weekend.   
  • I slept an extra hour Sunday morning.  I still need to move the clocks back that do not move themselves.
  • I grocery shopped for the week.
  • I filled out and mailed my absentee ballot.
  • I visited my parents and watched the Browns beat the Buccaneers.
  • I visited the Natatorium and picked up the pace a little on my 25-lap (3.125 mile) time. My PR is now 46:23.
And that's all folks.  I am now relaxing at my computer.

I hope you had a productive weekend.

Friday, October 31, 2014

My treat to myself...

It is halloween and I decided to treat myself by taking the day off of work...

All week I was looking forward to this day of:

  • No meetings...
  • No work-related emails...
  • No Lync messages....



Apparently, I forgot to sign out of Lync on my phone and, of course, someone messaged me at 8:30 AM...before I was ready to be out from under the spell of sleeping in.

Hey, I am trying to schedule a meeting for early Monday and your calendar says you are busy...are you really busy or can you join us?


I am still in bed and my calendar is not...but if it says I am busy Monday morning I probably am...have a good weekend...

Exit Lync...


I hope life was all treats for you this halloween.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Will Oregon have me ???

I have told my kids numerous times that if I ever get too sick to take care of myself, I want to be able to die peacefully with some dignity.

I do not want them to have to take care of my sick, bed-ridden self - if it ever comes to that.

I want them to remember me the way they like me best - hopefully that is not on my death

I am not going to lie - I am a fan of  the late Jack Kevorkian.

I just realized, thanks to Brittany Maynard, that at least three states, including Oregon,  have  "Death With Dignity" laws.  

I want to be living in one of those three states,  if i ever become terminally ill. I choose Oregon because it is west and probably the warmest of the three. But I am open to any state with a DWD law.

Just so you know.

I like Brittany's attitude that dying with dignity is not suicide. She is not killing herself - the disease is.  She is just choosing the way and time she lets that happen. I hope I have the strength to do the same if my life ever comes to that.

I have also read the essay written by Joe Neyer in response to Brittany's choice and her actions toward public awareness of the DWD option.  I like Mr. Neyer's  attitude that dying with dignity can include continuing to live a quality life.  How true.  Doctors are not always right, and there are lots of options. 

I wish them both the best as they continue their journey.  I appreciate that they have shared their story.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

My head hurts...

I have been fighting a cold/sinus congestion for the past week...

I even worked from home most of the week so  I could:

  1. Make use of the heavy meds and vick's to stop the pounding in my head.
  2. Keep the germs to myself (in case it was something contagious).
It is the weekend and my head still hurts...really bad....

And then I realized something...

I have been drinking tea with honey and lemon and emergen-c and a little apple cider vinegar thrown over the past few times I would normally be drinking coffee.

While the tea is great for what ails me, I am also a coffee addict.

Two cups of coffee later and I am still congested, but that head pain has subsided considerably:)

I do love coffee...and it loves me.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

All is least in Belize...

It has been a crazy couple of weeks....

Despite all that went awry in the two weeks before they left and during the trip down, my son,  his girlfriend, and their dog, made the move to Belize.

And they left Akron at a good time, just a week before the Ebola scare hit the area.

I can only think that if they did not leave when they had, Belize may have not let them in.

Because, I must admit, Belize has the right idea...

Mexico and Belize close ports to cruise ship carrying health worker who handled samples from 'patient zero' who died of virus

Good for Belize and Mexico. 

I do not understand the incompetence of the CDC (in my humble opinion).  

Why would they not quarantine all health care providers who cared for said 'patient zero'?

And why would they allow them to travel commercially? Out of the country, no less...

Is 21 days too much to ask to nip this thing in the bud?

And then there is that other beloved government agency ...

Dallas hospital that treated three Ebola patients had machine that can detect disease in just minutes ...but couldn't use it because it wasn't FDA approved

My favorite comment on the above article:
There comes a point in time in every persons life where you must say "Screw the FDA"  ~ Rick Jameyx2, AssVille, United States

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tales from the beach...

I really enjoyed my September beach getaway weekend with my daughter...

We left Akron about 3:00 AM on Thursday morning, hoping to make it to the beach right about the 3:00 PM resort check-in time.

I drove a little, then Carrie drove a little.  During her time at the wheel, I am happy to report that she successfully avoided being run off a mountainside by a swaying 18-wheeler.  Carrie claimed my cries of "oh fuck" scared her more than the wandering truck. I promised to keep the "oh fucks" to myself after that.

We did make it to the resort right at check-in time. And down to the pool about 10 minutes later. We spent a lot of the next 4 days at the pool/beach area.

Lots of good times and interesting observations.

A group of young Latin partiers took over the main spa for a few hours one afternoon, playing their loud music, drinking, dancing, eating, and fornicating in the spa for all to see.  They were young and full of life. And left evidence of that life in the spa. We avoided that spa until after the next morning's sanitizing.

The next evening, the main spa was quieter.  Just Carrie and I for a bit.  A few kids wandered in and out. And then a mid-life, giggling couple hopped in and started doing it;  yes, that  IT.  Not caring that little kids were wandering around all curious and shit, acting like they were teenagers and did not know that maybe they should get a room or just go to THEIR room...

They finally left and a couple of other guys and some girls showed up - all friendly and chatty. The girls' parents came by and between the parents and Carrie throwing the H word around a few times, the guys remained almost perfect gentlemen.

All was good...but the following evening we decided we would try to grab a smaller two or three person spa if available.  No room for out of control partiers and/or lovers or those looking for love in all the wrong places.  Just nice family folk who brought their birthday girl and friends to the beach for the night.   

Carrie introduced me to an awesome new tropical drink.  She sent me to the pool side cafe to get a beer and a margarita with an extra glass "so we could mix them into Beer-itas."  I tried to explain to the bartender what I wanted and what I wanted to do with them; he looked confused, but poured me two half beers from the tap and two half margaritas that were actually 3/4 full, put them in a carrier and sent me on my way. Four drinks for the price of two.  Those were some mighty fine drinks.

We were up fairly early each morning, considering that the sleeping area in our room was on the garage side rather than the ocean side so the sun did not wake us.  Sunday morning was the only morning we both seemed to be moving slower - maybe because, according to my phone activity monitor, we walked 10 miles throughout the day Saturday...

But vacation is not for sleeping in...

So said the early morning blaring broadcast informing us that an emergency was reported in the building and that we needed to leave by the nearest exit that was not an elevator...

The stairs were packed within minutes so we chose to walk down the car ramp, in our pajamas, before we could make our coffee, to greet the Myrtle Beach firefighters on Ocean View Blvd.

Well that woke us up...and we never did find out what (or who) started it all.  

But the rest of Sunday was lazy beach/pool day with a side of Seafood Buffet in the evening - yum. 

Monday morning we headed back to Ohio with almost a half tank of gas.  My car has a little tank so I always wait til the low-gas light comes on and then start looking for a gas station.  I know I have 1.5 gallons (25-40 miles depending) from the time the light comes on....

No problem, right?

Right, except when the next 4 exits do not have gas stations listed on their exit signs...WTF???

People need gas, even if they live in the  middle of  nowhere - which I did not think we were in until the gas light started glowing.  

I finally just got off the highway, determined to find gas, because I was running low. The car seemed to be guzzling faster than usual...

I started panicking a little (ok, more than a little) because the phone and TomTom GPS were not getting service to help us locate a gas station...

Finally, Carrie's service kicked in...and she said we needed to backtrack...Nooooo!  I am not sure we can make it back that far.  

But we made it - with a quarter gallon to spare.

Needless to say we did not wait for the gas light to come on before we filled up next time.

I miss the beach..

I wanna go back...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Beach is the life for me...

I am just back from a weekend getaway in Myrtle Beach...

I needed it more than I realized.

For five full days I did not let thoughts of work  - or other day-to-day life stresses  - intrude.

Five days of ...
Sand and sun ...
Living in beachware and flip flops....
Long walks on the beach...
Unlimited pool, sauna, and spa time...
Palm trees everywhere...
And time with my beautiful daughter...
I could get use to living on a beach...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Raising the Bar...

Mission accomplished.

I walked the Nat 5K Sunday and am happy to report that I met my 4 goals:

  • Finish
  • Not be the last to finish.
  • Finish without the need for paramedic assistance afterwards.
  • Finish faster than 54.10 (my previously recorded 5k PR)

My actual recorded finish time was 51.16.  My pace was 1:32M faster than my previous PR.

Yay me:)

It was a much smaller group of walkers/runners than the Christmas Story 5k.

I appreciated the smaller crowd.

Though I had to push myself to not cross the finish line last.

And what was advertised as a closed flat loop did not seem very flat to me. The Natatorium's indoor track is what I consider closed and flat.

My son, who is working to lose weight and get in shape for kite-surfing in Belize, also ran/walked. It was a win for him as well as he ran for a much longer interval than he thought he could.

Overall it was a great way to start my Sunday morning.

And in answer to the finish line volunteer who asked: Yes, I do plan to do it again next year.

And I have a new goal for my next 5K: 

Under 51:16 and at faster pace than 16:31M.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Slight Miscalculation....

I have been trying to get my 5K walk time under 55 minutes because my PR for an organized 5K is 55:58.

Or so I thought...

It occurred to me earlier this week that said organized "5K" (2013 A Christmas Story Run) was actually 3.2 miles.

Which makes my 3.1 mile (5K) time more like 54:10.

So that is the time to beat this weekend.

I just may be able to do that.

My time today on the Nat's  indoor track was 48:45.

That gives me a little breathing room for the outdoor, and possibly not so flat,  course for the run this weekend.

Wish me luck.

I will share the results Sunday or early next week.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

No more jogging for me...

In an attempt to get my 5 k time down a bit, I thought I might try jogging part of it.

And try I did.

For a couple of weeks, I jogged a few yards every 1/8  mile lap at the NAT.

It did not seem too bad...especially after I started wearing two sports bras to minimize the jiggle at top.   

But then...

By the end of the second week my knees started bothering me.  At first, I did not attribute the ache to the jogging.  I thought maybe I was just overdoing it a bit. I realized that I was actually sweating during my laps...yeah, must be overdoing it.

So I walked/jogged less and less miles each day. 

Two and a half, then two, then one...

Still, my knees were hurting worse each day until I could hardly walk without feeling the pain.

I was ready to forget participating in the 5K I am training for.

My son suggested I see a doctor.

Ha...he should know me better than that.

He next suggested I stop jogging completely and try biking for a few days instead of walking.

Why didn't I think of that?

It's a miracle. I can walk again...without hurting.

No more jogging for me...ever...

I am now actually walking at a faster pace than my best walk/jog pace.

Though my 18 minute mile pace is still pretty damn slow.

I blame that slow pace on my short legs and the few (quite a few) extra pounds I carry around.

Only seven more days til race day and my legs are not getting any longer and the pounds are not falling away....

So I best get off this couch and see if I can find a way to move a little faster...

Friday, September 5, 2014

September Goals...

September is going to be a busy month...

I have set the following activity goals: 
  • AVG 12000 steps per day 
  • AVG 5 miles per day
This is a stretch goal for me; I admit it, I am out of shape.

I have signed up to walk a 5 k on September 14. My goal for this 5 K is to beat my previous sponsored 5 K record of 55:57.  I am working at it.

I have planned a girls (Mom-Daughter) getaway weekend for my birthday weekend.  Sorry sons, but if I invite boys I have to pay for an extra room...I am cheap and saving for a trip to Belize.

Yes, I said Belize.

I will also be helping my oldest son pack up his office and residence as he prepares to move to Belize in early October.

I am so excited for him and and his girlfriend.  They are making their dreams come true.

And I have a reasonably priced dream vacation destination in my future; Belize in December is looking more like reality every day.

I promise to do my best to not to be the mom/mom-in-law from hell when I visit:)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Searching for a gym...

In mid July, when I realized that I was actually going to keep the goal I set of walking 10000 steps a day, I decided to reward myself with a gym membership.

When I look for a gym (I have done this a time or two in the past), I look for three things, in order of importance:

  • A lap pool (for water walking)
  • In indoor track (for walking in inclement weather)
  • Accessibility (hours of operation/proximity to residence)
I found two gyms (with the above requirements) in my area:
I love the Nat; I used to frequent that place when I lived in the falls years ago.  
  • PROS: Familiar, lots of free programs to members, awesome aquatics centers, member's guests are allowed  at  reasonable rates; best hours of any gym with pool; pay as you go monthly rates; walk in enrollment;  etc, etc.
  • CONS: A few miles from my apartment in the opposite direction of work.
In all fairness, I needed to check out AG.

  • PROS: Very close to my apartment; 3 locations to use.
  • CONS: Higher rates than Nat; hefty enrollment fee; less open hours; appointment needed to sign up; no month-to-month option; etc, etc.
Yeah, I chose the Nat.  

Not only do they offer all of the above, they have on-line membership renewal, receipt availability, sign-in tracker, activity calendars....WIN-WIN. (I love technology.)

A piece of advice to AG: Asserting that an enrollment fee keeps your rates down does not fly when your yearly rates after the enrollment fee are more per month than the Nat's rates for monthly, non-resident, non-senior members.

Well, I best go make use of that membership....

Monday, September 1, 2014

What I did on my summer vacation...

I was shocked to realize that I last posted almost 4 months ago...
Damn...what have I been doing?  Not  sharing on my blog, obviously.

Summer has come and gone.

It was not overly eventful or exciting....but lazily enjoyable.

I have made a change in my extra-curricular activities. 

At the beginning of summer I was using the few extra bucks I had each paycheck to visit one of  the local racinos conveniently located on my way home from that thing called work. However, losing a few bucks within a few minutes was doing less and less to relieve the stress of the workday.

I like the racinos because they are somewhere I can go by myself and not feel out of place by myself and not spend too much hard earned money.

But I do like to get something back for the little bit of hard earned money I spend; something more than just a few minutes of play time.

I decided I needed to find a new activity that I could do by myself or with others that was reasonably priced and helped relieve stress.

I took a walk to think about it...and kept walking.

After that walk in late June, I decided two things:

  • I set myself a July activity goal of 10000 steps a day.  That goal seemed reasonable until I tried to keep it. It was a little harder than I anticipated.  But I did keep it and set the bar a bit higher for August: AVG 11300 steps and 5 miles per day. August is done and goal achieved. Yay me.
  • I decided to not play my aforementioned play money and save it for a gym membership. I spent July walking and shopping for a gym.

I am feeling better even though the scales are not showing a loss.  Maybe the after-walk ice cream is not such a good idea....

Oh well, one small step...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Moms' Day....

Happy Mom's Day to all  Moms, GrandMoms, Moms-to-be, Pet Moms and those who are "Like a Mom".

I love being a Mom.

Maybe a little too much...

Say anything negative about any one of my kids or about how I raised them and the bitch in me is released. Now I am well aware that my kids are not perfect and that I am not the perfect Mom, but I really do not need or appreciate anyone pointing that out to me. Doing so definitely presses one of my Hot Buttons.

But Hot Buttons aside, I enjoy every phase of being a Mom - from pregnancy through helping and watching my children grow into the fine young men and woman they are today...

And I am thankful that I have three awesome kids who make being a Mom rewarding and fun.

I have so many wonderful memories and look forward to making many more with each of them.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Not worthy of sainthood...IMHO

A fellow co-worker said something to a few of us the other day that reminded me of advice I often give to my kids. He said: We choose to be happy....

How true.

We cannot always choose the lot that life throws at us, but we can choose how we react to it.

I need to start choosing better... 

A lot has been happening in the last couple of weeks....

A lot of sad news has been passed my way....

And some other crap has been going on that bothers me enough that, even with the sunshine, I cannot seem to get out of the funk that I have been in the last few months.

I am not going to write about all of it, because a lot of it is personal and it does not do me any good to dwell on it.

So I am going to go for a walk in the sunshine.

But, before I go for that walk, I do feel the need to say a few words about something n today's news that is bothering me ...

How the hell does anyone think it is OK to canonize a person who covered up for his pedophile employees?

Of course, some John Paul fans would have us believe that he did not condone, participate in, or even know about the coverups.

Or that he listened to and believed his middle management team who insisted the accusations were false.

I am not buying it.

What kind of leader does not look into those kinds of accusations and makes sure he/she gets to the bottom of them????  

It is not like there was only one of them.

I got to say I lost a lot of respect for Pope Francis today - he could have put his foot down.

The balancing act does not cut it...

Excommunication would have been more appropriate...

Just my opinion, but I feel better having expressed it.

Thanks for listening.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

A feel good moment...

So, work is still work and I am still part of the same team trying  to fix things that are broke...

We are making some progress....

I think...

It is hard to tell at times.  

We had a management review session of our proposal Thursday which got a lot of positive feedback.

And then Friday we were reminded of several things we "missed" in our proposal.  I clearly remember some team discussions where we decided these "misses" were out of scope. And me, being me, brought that up, out loud.  Apparently, I remember wrong - or at least not right enough worth mentioning, because no one else admitted to remembering the discussions.  They did not say they did not remember them; they just did not say anything at all.  Someday, I will learn to just nod my head and not look the fool.

Anyway, we have a lot more work to do this week. I am not complaining - at least I still have a job for the time being.  

And the team I am working with is an ok group.  We get along for the most part and even have a little  fun. We have been together a little over 2 months now.

 A few weeks ago, we participated in a mandatory workshop - one of those all day drink the kool-aid sessions.  The final activity of the day mandated that we tell the team about some life-changing event we have lived through. 

My first response was NOYFB...and I pretty much said that.  I did not want to tell any of these people, most of whom I had met just a couple of weeks earlier,  about anything that has been life changing for me. And I was not sure I wanted to hear their 10-step stories - at least not in a team setting.  

But rather than risk losing my major source of income, when it was my turn, I went with this.... 
I do not feel comfortable with this activity and I am not going to share a story from my life with you.  But I will tell you that I have three adult children that I am proud of and have learned so much from. I am proud of them for making their own way in life  - doing their own thing. They each have an entrepreneurial spirit.  Watching them grow, I have learned that even though all kids are different and each mature in their own way and time, they do find their way, even if it is not on the same path that I or their Dad would have chosen for them. 
There was the usual moment of silence after the confession.

One day this week, as I was leaving our team "war" room with one of  my teammates,  he told me that my little spiel at the workshop got him thinking about his relationship with his kids. He said he started to feel better about himself as a parent, accepting that it is ok that his kids are not doing things the way he thinks they should do them. He said he had been wanting to thank me for that....said it was like a church experience. 

Wow,  what a feel good moment.  It made me thankful that I did not go with my second response to that activity and tell some made up, heart-wrenching, total  BS, Mental Poo-worthy story.   (Sorry, Rodney, I couldn't help myself.  I think of BS and I think of you and Perhaps I've Said Too Much.)   

Also, I am assuming this guy's church experiences are better than mine.  

We have Day 2 of the workshop later this month.  Lord, help me.